Personal adverts are everywhere -

This session is facilitated by Amy Shepherd, Karolina Iwanska

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About this session

Secrets, trust and truth will form the basis of creative activities through which participants will discover and reflect on how their online presence and activity builds up detailed personal profiles which companies exploit for advertising purposes. First, using paper, stickers and string, participants will visually map their web browsing history and explore how “hidden” Adtech companies get to know their most intimate secrets. Second, a truth-telling game will get participants thinking about the reality of consent and data sharing in real-time ad-bidding processes. Finally, in a group-based discussion, participants will evaluate the pros and cons of behaviourally-targeted advertising and be encouraged to share ideas on how online advertising could be made more ethical and trustworthy.

Goals of this session

Participants have increased knowledge and understanding about how personal profiling and data sharing in online behavioural targeted advertising operates and impacts at individual and societal levels, and have collectively developed a set of ethical criteria that could make online advertising acceptable.