ParSys Sprint - IAM/CoSS Sprint 5 Review

Dear Stakeholders,

here we go with our regular update …


  • Most of our people were out because of a few public holidays or for training. Keeping the saw sharpened!
  • CoSS and IAM integration is starting to take shape
  • A first version of CoSS Logical Architecture (functional view) was formulated
  • First PRs for the Change Integration Service (CIS) are landing.
  • Final UX design rounds for the SSO Dashboard
  • Lots of Community contributions landed in PROD

Community contributed Pull Requests

Release Notes

IAM/CoSS Sprint 5 Review Meeting

OKR Confidence Levels

New quarter, new OKRs! This is our current OKR confidence. It is prefixed in brackets, the scale is 1 to 10.

Objective: Ship software in partnership with IT, Marketing and MoFo that delivers prioritized functionality to Mozilla’s participation systems stack

  1. (1) Auth0 identity platform is expanded to 2 systems shared among staff and volunteers
  2. (1) Ship first iteration of CMS, CRM integration and Events management to Mozilla Clubs, Campus Clubs and Developer Community Pilot
  3. (2) 100% of existing ParSys wp-admin hosted community sites migrated to WPEngine
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