ParSys Sprint - IAM/CoSS Sprint 3 Review and Sprint 4 Planning

Dear Stakeholders,

it took a while to get the IAM/CoSS Sprint 3 Review meeting uploaded to AirMo, so here we go with our regular update …


  • CoSS CMS prototyping with Mezzanine is going well. Currently working on themeing and optimized journeys for different users.
  • Geodata Handling finally cleaned up. Yay!!
  • Reps Portal migrated from a dedicated data center to the ParSys AWS cloud.
  • Auth0 SSO Dashboard is taking shape.
  • Significant way through Discourse category cleanup.

Community contributed Pull Requests

  • None this time.

Release Notes

IAM/CoSS Sprint 3 Review Meeting

IAM/CoSS Sprint 4

Sprint Goal IAM

Sprint Goal CoSS

OKR Confidence Levels

This is our current OKR confidence. It is prefixed in brackets, the scale is 1 to 10.

Objective: We have shipped first iterations of the participation systems/software that are important pieces of our long-term roadmap

  • (7) KR1: LDAP integration (IAM Package C) is on track to become “the LDAP frontend” during Q2 as demonstrated by a bare-bones org chart visualization
  • (7) KR2: Ship (to PROD) first iteration of Community Support Software [shared with MoFo]
  • (7) KR3: Current ParSys priorities rearticulated with underlying business requirements and accepted as an input to the multi-year strategy process