ParSys Sprint - IAM/CoSS Sprint 21 Review

Dear Stakeholders,

here we go with our regular update. This is about two weeks overdue. Sorry for keeping you waiting.


  • was launched on the CoSS Content Utility. :tada:
  • Contract with SplashThat (SaaS provider for our Events Utility) signed!
  • The new Auth0 Lock is almost ready to release.
  • All Mozilla LDAP accounts (Staff & Volunteers) now have MFA set to required.
  • Mozilla IAM Access Groups can be provisioned through the Group Management UI.

Community contributed Pull Requests

  • None, but we know that there is a number of PRs in the making. :slight_smile:

Release Notes


IAM/CoSS Sprint Review



OKR Confidence Levels

This is our latest Q4 OKR confidence scoring. It is prefixed in brackets, the scale is 1 to 10.

O1: Prove that IAM enables seamless collaboration among Staff and Volunteers

  • (2) KR1: Technical proof that a user who stopped using a service loses access
  • (10) KR2: Technical proof that a user profile can be retrieved from CIS
  • (10) KR3: All accounts with privileged access have MFA’d logins enforced (NDA’ed Mozillians, Staff, etc)
  • (10) KR4: A G Suite team drive is shared with a Mozillians Group (on our TEST G Suite)
  • (7) KR5: All NDA’ed volunteers who use Slack login with Mozilla’s SSO

O2: CoSS defines its V2 strategy while continue to deliver immediate results

  • (9) KR1: Update CoSS roadmap based on 2018 partnership landscape
  • (1) KR2: CoSS Event Utility is being used by two programs
  • (9) KR3: CoSS Website Builder Utility allows admins to build their own webpages
  • (7) KR4: Discussion Utility surfaces relevant activity on the OSSN property

O3: Redefine ParSys within the operationalization of the Open Innovation Strategy

  • (5) KR1: Create a vision for horizontal product and systems engineering in 2018
  • (5) KR2: A horizon model plan to support Open Innovation’s work

O4: Coherent UX/UI for Lock, Dashboard,

  • (2) KR1: Coherent UX for (“Mozilla Accounts”)
  • (10) KR2: New Lock follows the UX design

O5: Consistent staff and volunteer profiles across Mozilla properties

  • (5) KR1: Phonebook replacement specification is signed off by Open Innovation, IT, Legal and the People Team
  • (4) KR2: Technical proof that LDAP user data is provisioned into CIS
  • (9) KR3: HRIS group data allows InfoSec team to access MozDef