ParSys Sprint - IAM/CoSS Sprint 2 and Sprint 3

Dear Stakeholders,

it’s been a while since we last reported on activities and impact around the Participation Systems team. Time to rebase and catch up.
We will start Sprint 4 in IAM and CoSS mid next week and @akilroy and @hmitsch hope to share a next update shortly after that.


  • CoSS team currently using Mezzanine as CMS.
  • Held the first Steering Board meeting for IAM. Received positive feedback.
  • Updated the IAM Logical Architecture diagram.
  • Every Discourse category now has a slick looking envelope (:envelope:) on the top to expose its email-in address.

Community contributed Pull Requests

  • Profile Settings bug fixes (External Accounts section) [@Mte90]
  • Enable localization on the API template [@Mte90]
  • Update parts of code that will be deprecated on Django 1.9 [@Mte90]
  • Update documentation for setting up local development environment to reflect auth0 changes [@Mte90]

Thank you, Daniele! :heart:

Release Notes

IAM/CoSS Sprint 2

Sprint Goal IAM

Sprint Goal CoSS

Review Meeting (Video)

IAM/CoSS Sprint 3

Sprint Goal IAM

Sprint Goal CoSS

OKR Confidence Levels

With the end of the quarter approaching fast, this is our current OKR confidence. It is prefixed in brackets, the scale is 1 to 10.

Objective: We have shipped first iterations of the participation systems/software that are important pieces of our long-term roadmap

  • (7) KR1: LDAP integration (IAM Package C) is on track to become “the LDAP frontend” during Q2 as demonstrated by a bare-bones org chart visualization
  • (7) KR2: Ship (to PROD) first iteration of Community Support Software [shared with MoFo]
  • (7) KR3: Current ParSys priorities rearticulated with underlying business requirements and accepted as an input to the multi-year strategy process
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