ParSys Sprint - IAM/CoSS Sprint 16 Review

Dear Stakeholders,

here we go with our regular update.


  • CoSS Admin UX Assessment initiated
  • Geolocation alerts are coming to our SSO Dashboard very soon
  • Finally fixed a long standing issue where ReMoBot was spamming with too many mail notifications

Community contributed Pull Requests

  • @giorgos: Thank you for deploying the Reps Planet feed to Travis.

Release Notes


IAM/CoSS Sprint Review



OKR Confidence Levels

This is our final Q3 OKR confidence scoring. It is prefixed in brackets, the scale is 1 to 10.

O1: Share a G Suite document for collaboration with a group as defined by (e.g. the staff & volunteer body Mozilla Reps Council)

  • (3) KR1: Staff profiles are automatically available to
  • (1) KR2: G Suite has visibility of groups
  • (8) KR3: A user login in from a new location triggers an alert in the SSO Dashboard (security enhancement)

O2: CoSS has Utilities that enable content manipulation by admins, users to contact the program, and program-specific discussion groups

  • (6) KR1: CMS that has a well designed UX, is secure, and easy to add/edit content without any coding.
  • (3) KR2: Roles and permissions are determined from integration with Mozilla’s group management allowing for seamless staff/volunteer management.
  • (4) KR3: Discourse’s ability to scale for program-specific discussion groups is proven

O3: Link the contribution of ParSys’ activities and vision to the OI strategic plan

  • (2) KR1: The ParSys infrastructure roadmap is aligned with the Open Innovation Strategy
  • (9) KR2: All community WordPress sites are decommissioned from ParSys AWS
  • (5) KR3: Bitergia’s data, tool and knowledge assets from the Q2 Strategy Project are integrated in our Community Analytics platform