ParSys Sprint - IAM/CoSS in End-of-Year Kanban Mode

Dear Stakeholders,

we decided to pause our 2-week sprints during the second half of December and first few days of January. Most of the team attended the 6-monthly Mozilla All Hands in Austin last week. Additionally, most Staff will be on vacation between 22 DEC 2017 and 02 JAN 2018.

However, things keep moving forward … so it is time for a (probably) final update on IAM/CoSS for 2017


s/Participation Systems/Open Innovation Products & Engineering

During the All Hands we announced that our team name changes from Participation Systems to Open Innovation Products & Engineering. This is a logical step in the context of the operationalization of Mozilla’s Open Innovation Strategy. It also captures our broadened team remit. We will still have to update lots of references (including this Discourse category). This will happen throughout 2018.

IAM (Identity and Access Management)

  • The new Auth0 Lock New Login Experience (NLX) was launched on Moderator. Hit the login button, test it and let us know your thoughts.
  • During the All Hands we enabled access to Mozilla Slack for NDA’ed Mozillians. There will be an official communication in early 2018. If you read this, sign-up to slack using the :Sign in with SSO button.
  • Community Analytics has been hooked up to Mozilla IAM and can be accessed by Staff and NDA’ed Volunteers.
  • Members of G Suite Team Drives were set to organizer role. This allows people to move and delete files on the shared drive.
  • Access Groups require Curators to be Staff members and all members to be using MFA/2FA authentication.
  • Lastly, in the past days/weeks we introduced, identified and fixed lots of bugs and edge cases around the MFA/2FA enforcement as well as profile synchronization for people using Access Groups. We definitely came out stronger but it was an uphill battle.

CoSS (Community Support Software)

We’re not designing pages, we’re designing systems of components.
-Stephen Hay

Release Notes

OKR Scoring

This is our final Q4 OKR scoring. It is prefixed in brackets, the scale is 1 to 10.

O1: Prove that IAM enables seamless collaboration among Staff and Volunteers

  • (2) KR1: Technical proof that a user who stopped using a service loses access
  • (10) KR2: Technical proof that a user profile can be retrieved from CIS
  • (10) KR3: All accounts with privileged access have MFA’d logins enforced (NDA’ed Mozillians, Staff, etc)
  • (10) KR4: A G Suite team drive is shared with a Mozillians Group (on our TEST G Suite)
  • (10) KR5: All NDA’ed volunteers who use Slack login with Mozilla’s SSO

O2: CoSS defines its V2 strategy while continue to deliver immediate results

  • (9) KR1: Update CoSS roadmap based on 2018 partnership landscape
  • (1) KR2: CoSS Event Utility is being used by two programs
  • (9) KR3: CoSS Website Builder Utility allows admins to build their own webpages
  • (7) KR4: Discussion Utility surfaces relevant activity on the OSSN property

O3: Redefine ParSys within the operationalization of the Open Innovation Strategy

  • (5) KR1: Create a vision for horizontal product and systems engineering in 2018
  • (5) KR2: A horizon model plan to support Open Innovation’s work

O4: Coherent UX/UI for Lock, Dashboard,

  • (2) KR1: Coherent UX for (“Mozilla Accounts”)
  • (10) KR2: New Lock follows the UX design

O5: Consistent staff and volunteer profiles across Mozilla properties

  • (8) KR1: Phonebook replacement specification is signed off by Open Innovation, IT, Legal and the People Team
  • (4) KR2: Technical proof that LDAP user data is provisioned into CIS
  • (10) KR3: HRIS group data allows InfoSec team to access MozDef