ParSys : GitHub Unito Trello Asana integration proof of concept

Arielle and I met with to see if they could help us have a kanban board that works and is secure. I’ve setup a proof of concept integration with that integrates

  • github
  • asana
  • trello

If you would like to test out this proof of concept you are welcome to. Here’s how


Email with your GitHub username to be added as a collaborator to the two test GitHub repos.
Once you’re added as a collaborator to the test repos, you can add issues to them at


If you are a member of “Open Innovation” team in the Asana, you can access the test Asana project at


Our Trello board is at the url

To be added to the test trello board use this invite link

Additional GitHub repo integrations

If you’d like to integrate additional test repos (outside the org) add this github user as a collaborator to your repo


And email to let me know to set it up

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At the moment it appears that there’s an issue with how I’ve configured it such that

  1. User creates a GitHub issue in gene1wood/open-innovation-unito-poc
  2. Unito syncs that issue up to asana
  3. Unito syncs that issue from asana down into gene1wood/second-open-innovation-unito-poc duplicating the issue

I talked with Unito on the phone to see how to go about fixing this, we don’t have a solution yet, we’re looking into something involving labels and filters.

Anyhow, you’ll see that oddity at the moment.

We’ve fixed up the problem and everything looks good now.

I’ve created a new Asana board as the last one was in “List” layout instead of “Board” layout


Hi Gene and thanks for looking into that.

Quick question, around the purpose of connecting GitHub with Asana.
Are you looking for having the same information across the two tools or Asana will serve different needs than GitHub?

So it’s about supporting different users who don’t want to switch to a single tool or each tool is serving different needs?


Are you looking for having the same information across the two tools or Asana will serve different needs than GitHub?

The goal, as Arielle has described it to me (though she can speak more specifically to this), is to be able to see the same information that’s in GitHub issues, in either Asana or Trello (not sure which one yet) so that one could use Asana or Trello as a kanban board to plan out work happening across multiple GitHub repos.

So it’s about supporting different users who don’t want to switch to a single tool or each tool is serving different needs?

In this case (again I’m paraphrasing what I’ve come to understand from Arielle) the goal is to get a kanban view into the GitHub issues because GitHub doesn’t provide a suitable kanban style board. So to your question, it’s more about each tool (GitHub vs Asana/Trello) serving different needs.

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Thanks to those who participated in the proof of concept. We’ve decided to move foward with this solution integrating GitHub and Trello (but not Asana)

The trello board that we’re integrating is

and Henrik can invite you to it if you don’t have access.

At the moment, we’re only integrating a single GitHub repo ( but we will soon integrate more.