Page Shot v5 released

The changelog has more details, but here’s a couple (small) noticible changes:

  • Remove/comment-out hotkey, which was causing problems for some people with non-US keyboards. Fixes #2107 5148017
  • Add a right-click context menu on the clip image itself: Copy
    Image Text 40a6657
  • Move buttons away from edge 4d84295
  • Do not show the call-to-action banner on mobile. Fixes #2087 8e7275c
  • put the text into the <img alt> so it’ll get
    copied when you copy the image, and pasted if you paste in a text area. Fixes #2056 d017043

We’re also deploying some small A/B tests in the products:

  • Some users will see a badge on the button on install
  • Some users will see the share panel auto-open on shot creation
  • Some users will see a slightly different style on the My Shots button

If I’ve agreed to test Page Shot and there’s a new release, shouldn’t I at least get a heads-up to install it?

Or have you already done so without my knowledge?

Webbie in CO

You can see the version of each add-on you have by choosing Tools -> Add-ons.

Experiment add-ons are automatically updated, just like regular add-ons installed from


Thanks for that…somehow the auto-update aspect didn’t register with me when I began with Test Pilot, or that the trial stuff would show up as another item under “add-ons”.


J. in CO