Pad for tracking Mozilla feature needs

Thanks to @ckoehler for starting a discussion on missing features.

I’ve created a pad here - - for us to keep track of the specific features Mozillians are asking about.

I haven’t had time to start it, just throwing it out there. Feature 1 to add to the list would be to be able to start a discussion via email. We should also include features that already exist, like replying via email, just in case they break or there is upstream discussion about changing them.

Just a quick question. Surely some kind of issue tracker would be better for this than an etherpad +/ discourse discussion. They’re software related so issue trackers would work better here i.m.o.

I think that once we have a defined list, we have just to open issues on their github:

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Exactly. This is just to track the feedback, we don’t know what we’d want to act on, and even so we’d want somewhere to link the ideas with the links in the issue tracker (otherwise we’ll be making everyone search).

The pad is for collecting and organizing information, issue tracker is for when we’re ready to take action.

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I updated the Etherpad with the related upstream tickets (including one I filed) for the needed features.
Seems like 2 of them are already implemented?

Which ones?

“Subscribe button for each category page” is done, too.

We can enable this, but as of right now it just throws them all into one category. We’d need people who are willing to sort through them and categorize as necessary.

This is one of the mail goals for the Mozilla Discourse, maybe it would be a good idea to implement a private Mozillians category to test it. I think this could help to speed up adoption.

Agreed. It’d be really cool if we could implement the Mozillians API so it automatically allows vouched Mozillians to view it. That shouldn’t be all that hard actually, it would just need add them to a group if they are vouched.

The private categories works based off of the groups in Discourse. Not sure what kind of work will be needed to get that to use the Mozillians API but I imagine at least a plugin.

As a (category) moderator, I’d like to be able to create subcategories myself without bothering admins.

This feature is actually built-in, we just have to check a box to enable it or not. I’m gonna make a thread to see if others agree to enable it.

So the only part missing here is connect Discourse to Mozillians API, right?

I think it’s possible in the latest stable version we are having on Tuesday.

Since the change was requested by codinghorror more than a month ago, I assume that maybe is in the latest version?

With this in mind and looking at the etherpad I think we would have most P1 needs covered, pending would be: