Overwrite CFX add-on with WebExtensions add-on?

We have an add-on with about 10K users, built with the old cfx SDK. Instead of porting it, we have completely rewritten it with WebExtensions. How can I now get those 10K users to migrate to the WebExtension version? Can I just upload the WebExtension version on AMO as a new version of the cfx version? I don’t want to just try, as 10K users would be affected if this messes up something. So my question is not whether this will probably work, but whether this is officially supported and tested.

Note that the WebExtension version has already been tested, it’s currently on AMO as a new extension, i.e. with a different ID.

From my experience - If it has a different ID I don’t think you can migrate. You’ll have to the ID to be the same and upload it over your old CFX addon, meaning same listing.

Yes, I’ve noticed that already. But has anybody ever done this (CFX -> WebExtension) and has it worked? What about the users stuck on Firefox ESR, which doesn’t support WebExtension yet? Will they get the update and it won’t work, or will it be skipped for those users?

If you set the min version to 48, users of browsers <= 47 will not get updated.

Yes, you can update an add-on from any previous add-on tech to WebExtensions, and the automatic update should work as usual. Various existing add-ons have migrated that way without problems. Users on browsers that don’t support WebExtensions yet won’t be updated.