Office Hours

While we always welcome virtual interactions, if you are looking for some face time with CD UX team members, please join us at our office hours.

Every Wed 9-10am PT (1600 UTC if my math is right).
CD_UX vidyo channel

Check the CD calendar for the event as well! Look forward to seeing you!

Can’t make it to office hours tomorrow? You can find UX team members available in our new IRC channel #CD_UX.

Great meeting today! You can find the notes for today’s (and future) session here:

We’re also looking for feedback - we’d love it if you could take a couple minutes and fill out this super short survey. Thanks in advance!

Tomorrow is the last session before London! After tomorrow, the next session will be June 29th.

If you’re looking for some help with your pitch, idea, or research plan,
look no further. Stop by our Open Office Hours tomorrow morning. Every
Wednesday [1] from 9-10am in CD_UX.

Can’t join us for a face to face? Feel free to reach out on Discourse or IRC (#CD_UX).

And if you haven’t done so already - take 60 seconds and fill out this super quick survey.

See you tomorrow!

[1] June 8th, 15th, 22nd are cancelled due to various conflicts - check the CD calendar for details.

We had a great session with @jmccracken last week! Join us tomorrow for our Open Office Hours.

Every Wednesday 9-10am PST in the CD_UX room.