Notes sync


I just wanted to express my support for adding Sync support to Notes. I often use Sync as a way of managing tabs/todos with my mobile devices, and this seems like it would be a great solution. There are tons of “todo” management apps out there, but they are either not privacy-friendly or desktop-friendly.

Thank you!

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I would love to see, if the Notes are saved as simple *.html or *.md (for Markup Language) or *.txt files. With this, i could Sync this Notes with my private Cloud via WebDAV. If this could be possible, the sidebar can be directly integrated in my existing Notes. For this, use currently the WebDAV Version of Tagspaces (


Great, thank you for the input! We are working on the Sync feature as I’m typing this :slight_smile:

I would like to see Markdown support as suggested by @Mozi

I use Notes everyday and love the ability to jot down things during meetings and keep track of a simple list of tasks. Having them in my browser is wonderful as I can always see them at a glance. The only thing missing would be syncing my notes to other instances of Firefox (on my laptop for example).

I am using Floatnotes (a Firefox modules) which permits to take notes associated to a WebSite, URL or to global scope. This extension is not maintained and will be deprecated with chrome:// . Is it possible to transfer its features in Notes?
I have the <*.xpi> file, if you want to test it.

In more, I am a Nextcloud user with the Note apps. Possibility to synchronize notes with Notes will be wonderful.

But I’m mainly a Turtle user (crypted and Libre Webapp service) and synchronize notes will be wonderful too.

So, develop API or bridge(s) of Notes to others Web services will be very powerfull.

In fact, I am loocking for me an adapted solution to write down notes. I hope Notes will be my paradise ^^

Thanks so much!

The new build that says it supports sync keeps locking up my browser’s main thread, so I’ve had to disable Notes. :frowning:


@JulienM could you tell me more about the missing feature you want:

  • Multiple notes
  • Notes linked to a website

Is there anything else?