If i have a B2G repo and make a change to one line in one file and then start the build.
Does it automaticaly run on that changed line?
yes except if you do a git pull or repo sync
next noob question is:
I made a change to my fork of “novski/b2g-manifest” and wold like to test the fetch of code befor i make a pullrequest to “mozilla-b2g/b2g-manifest” how can i make the command ./config fairphone2 download my version?
GITREPO and BRANCH env variables can be overriden at runtime:
so GITREPO=git://gitub.com/novski/b2g-manifest.git BRANCH=xxx ./config.sh
Ok i think there is a confusion by what state i do that…
I do:
git clone git://github.com/mozilla-b2g/B2G.git && cd B2G
then in config.sh change
so by the time i change the
it will not refresh the ./repo/manifest folder by doing next a
./config.sh fairphone2
My git repo: git://github.com/novski/b2g-manifest
will not be recognized befor i fetch the code defined in the manifest…
Is there a git command to update the “./repo” part after cloning the mozilla-b2g git?
Now i understand. I forked the B2G repo and changed it there…