NLP, Voice recognition & Kabyle: Commmon Voice at the University of Tizi Ouzou

It happened today 26/11/2019 at the University of Tizi Ouzou - Kabylia - Algeria.

The local committee of students of the Amazigh (Kabyle) Language & Culture Department (DLCA) of The University of Tizi Ouzou, Mouloud Mammeri, based in Kabylia - Algeria invited me today to talk about Mozilla’s Projects: Common Voice & Sentence Collector.

Most of them did never hear about CV and other Mozilla’s projects launched by the kab community (localization, MDN, SUMO, CV, SC, DS, TTS…).

They asked me for more help about sentence production and other questions related to the voice corpora. A second meet is needed, and I’m thinking about workshops.

We discussed about the validation process set on Sentence Collector and Common Voice. They showed some reluctance towards the validation process implemented on Sentence Collector. For them, the syntax is a matter of language specialists (linguists). We will get more feed back later during workshops .

Is there any locale which invested time with language departments?

Some pics from the Event: