New generation "pop-up" blocker?

Not sure how to phrase this, but I’m aware that “real” pop-ups/unders open an actual new window or tab. Much more common these days are the annoying giant ads that pop up IN THE SAME TAB as you are reading a webpage, thus blocking the view. Sometimes hitting Esc gets rid of them, sometimes not. What’s the proper name for these, and is there any add-on that blocks these? I assume the answer is no, but I thought I’d ask.

Mozilla calls them “In-Page Popups” and had created a reporting extension for these: Not sure how that project is going.

Some also call them overlays or dialogs.

I think uBlock and similar can block some of these “annoyances” but by far not all of them.

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I created a little addon for this purpose, available on AMO and for Chrome.

OT from offending in-page pop-ups …

Offending pop-up windows

From Mozilla bug 253831 - (pop-up-arms-race) sites with pop-ups that get past our pop-up/popup blocker:

… If you find pop-ups that get past our blocker and can reduce a testcase, please file new bugs for each specific cause.

I want to block only certian pop ups but not all
Is there any pop up blocker available?

Firefox blocks popups based on the method used to trigger them (some methods such as a user click are allowed) and allows exceptions based on the website.

If you need more or different features, you could search the Add-ons site and see what might work better for you.

By the way, Baptiste’s element remover works quite nicely, at least within my own tests. Takes a few clicks sometimes but I’d rather go through the extra trouble, than let the site owners have what they want (i.e., actual clicking on the pop-in). Thanks.

Mozilla bug 1603200 - and versus pop-up blocking

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