Need your help for porting Firefox OS

Hello, I started porting firefox os to my phone redmi 1s (msm8226). Anyone who has a build server for fxos, please give me a shell account in your server to help me with the port. My repo’s here

You will have better luck asking on IRC. Lots of users in mobile that help out. Not sure if they’ll help with this, but its worth a shot.

Here is the link to the firefox os related rooms:

irc://moznet/mobile - these guys MIGHT not be for firefox os
irc://moznet/nightly - this room has like 12 people but they are all fxos lovers

I’ll add more rooms as I remember.

If you don’t have an IRC client here’s an HTML5 one - - click this, type a username, and it drops you right into that mobile channel/chat-room.

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