Mycroft skill update

@hobinjk I was playing with the Mycroft skill and it currently runs into an SSL error because gateway.local certs don’t match

Is that skill currently working? Can you only have it use gateway.local, and if so, how do you do the ‘connect’ step?

Seems like a great skill to have!

This is the same problem that @benfrancis has been having. However, @IOT_Noob seems to have gotten it to work. Any pointers?

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Hi @hobinjkI have it working with Mycroft OK…
There was a bit of a “fiddle factor” , but…
I don’t know exactly where you are seeing your problem, but I didn’t try to use any LOCAL certs at all, and I let the Mycroft skill connect “automatically” with it own settings… (to the site)
the other “Gotcha” things I found…

  1. ensure you have the “Assistant” on in the Gateway (under “experiments”) - not sure if this is needed but I set this up a few times and it was always on :slight_smile: - make sure your gateway is not saying “something went wrong” when you try to use the assistant!!! If so you will never get it to work (just Mycroft saying the error “something went wrong” which is actually coming from the gateway!)
  2. When the Mycroft skill tries to authorise via the API it ALWAYS fails the first ( and sometimes the second time) with a web site error ( can’t remember which one now sorry - maybe a 504) - Try again a few times without changing anything… I suspect the the page that it needs to access is really slooooow …

Anyway, if none of that helps, then tell me where you are seeing the issue… I “started from scratch” by re flashing the IOT gateway a bout 5 times , so I saw a few weird issues… :slight_smile:
It is stable now though!

I’ll try reflashing and starting from scratch again. I haven’t looked into what the authorize process is doing under the hood, but perhaps I’m doing something different there (or have settings affecting that).

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