My Narrative_coaching-training

Hi Everyone

I started my Journey towards Open Source Community With Mozilla In July 2016 as Participant [yes i met @rowdymehul in local meetup i asked him how he joined Mozilla community and How can i join]

“Good coaches create a safe space to have an open discussion, ask the right questions (and genuinely listen to the answers), and constructively challenge.”

first we Listened each others then he asked me if I’ve anything to add more. after then He started with What is Mozilla . He cleared my doubts/misconceptions about Mozilla ,open source and Open WEB This Is how 3 Levels of Listening came in action

After spending some time on various Mozilla projects/Technologies I decided to spread about it among my network by Organizing small meetups after few months i got messages from my network that some students are interested learning about Technologies such as WEBVR API and Rust Language so we Decided to discuss what are the possible Outcomes and here i was Working on GROW Model Unknowingly

i get to know that some people are really interested in Learning Open source Technologies BUT they are not comfortable with English So here i Decided to teach them in Native Language to Achive this i choose 2 peoples from My Network
[1] who’s Fluent IN English as well as IN Native/Local language
[2] He/she have Good grip In Context of Technical Knowledge

this was Done as part of Coaching session

they were Super Enthusiastic after coaching Session We Had QA Activity where they asked Questions such “how to Identify barriers they may be have in future " . How to set Long term Goals”

Communication between Coach and coachee is vital, to help a coachee a Coach must listen carefully,i like Giving Feedback section it really helps community And its members to Grow

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Hey Pranjal, thanks for applying to become a Reps Mentor! However it seems that you are still on orientation/onboarding period as a Rep, with a joining date of 9th March 2018. :frowning: As such, we cannot proceed with the process right now.