My Narrative - Coaching Training

Hi Everyone,

I started my journey with Mozilla in August 2013 as a Firefox App Developer mentored by Trishul Goel, who is my mentor until today. From App developer to code base manager to a-frame developer and many more contribution areas of Mozilla I experienced the three level of listening, from being one who wants to listen to things which will benefit me to level 3 global listener who is guiding others in the community to overcome their barriers.

So far, I have seen people contributing to Open Source to grow themselves and help grow others. Every contributor sets up a goal where they look to achieve something which can help them on a longer term. This is the time when they start looking out for someone who could act as a coach/guide and help them with the next steps. So far, I was able to help such contributors to achieve what they plan and it was only possible because of feedback. I was not aware of the type of feedback which can be given then but now I do. Looking forward to taking this to a new level with these learning and experience.

Communication between Coach and coachee is vital, to help a coachee a Coach must listen carefully and three level of Listening sums up all and the GROW model is best, will be using in my company as well. I very much like the “The Power of Questions” section, it really helps those who stuck in the middle of something and one good question can bring them back to action.

Thanks for reading,