My Narrative — Coaching Training

Hey Reps Coaches,

This is my narrative based on WoMoz Brasil project journey in the Mozilla Brasil community, the narrative contains the topics covered in the training, directly and indirectly. :slight_smile:

My narrative is based on the journey of WoMoz Brasil, a former team/community project focused on inclusion and diversity, was the first project of this type in the Mozilla Brasil community and at the same time a project with many new and merged contributors within a community with many long-time volunteers. The functional team/community project has a set of ideals that included diversity and inclusion, but with strong feminine presence and feminist ideological activism, the diversity of the team and the purpose always generated strong noises and volunteers against the form of the team to work, the ideology and in most cases there were discussions about the name of the project, which most often showed lack of alignment, communication and interactivity with the functional team because the lack of listening and understanding generated these problems, most of the noises and issues could be solved for example with the practice of the exercise of the 3 levels to listening that are internally, focused and “globally”, still with direct relation to the “power of the questions” that could give a better overview of what we were doing wrong or not, how it generated noises and issues at community (impact), and how to rethink the approach to improving. Many feedbacks were negative, highly destructive and public that do not engage people to do better and rethink the strategy. The project needed constructive feedback to continue improving, and long-term OKRs to ensure that the project had a goal to be accomplished, but the lack of these two items unfortunately caused end the project. WoMoz Brasil is one of the projects that has fulfilled its role in the community and many people grow personally during all time, we have good cases and outcomes that have changed the community culture.

I hope this has been helpful to understand, is a summary of the summary. But if you have questions, feel free.

Geraldo Barros