I have planned to trained the 30gb of voice mozilla. I have followed the steps from documents.
I have used tensorflow-gpu 1.4.0
deepspeech 0.6.0-alpha.5
I have used following code
set -xe
if [ ! -f DeepSpeech.py ]; then
echo “Please make sure you run this from DeepSpeech’s top level directory.”
exit 1
python -u DeepSpeech.py
–train_files /home/ubuntu/training/corpus/clips/train.csv
–dev_files /home/ubuntu/training/corpus/clips/dev.csv
–test_files /home/ubuntu/training/corpus/clips/test.csv
–train_batch_size 80
–dev_batch_size 80
–test_batch_size 40
–n_hidden 375
–epoch 3
–validation_step 1
–early_stop True
–earlystop_nsteps 6
–estop_mean_thresh 0.1
–estop_std_thresh 0.1
–dropout_rate 0.22
–learning_rate 0.00095
–report_count 100
–use_seq_length False
–export_dir /home/ubuntu/training/export_modal/
–checkpoint_dir /home/ubuntu/training/checkout/
–alphabet_config_path /home/ubuntu/training/deepspeech/data/alphabet.txt
–lm_binary_path /home/ubuntu/training/deepspeech/data/lm.binary
I have total 69098 steps but when i run the command it only runs 756 steps and exporting the model which 7mb output_graph.pb.
I am confused about the command could you please help me out on this.