My addon disappears after firefox restart

Hi I have signed my addon and install it. After restarting the firefox it’s getting disabled.

Is the add-on listed on AMO? Are you sure you’re installing the signed add-on? Also, does the add-on write any files to its installation directory?

The add-on is not listed in AMO, because it’s not for public users. I am installing the signed add-on, otherwise it wont install. It’s unpacking the xpi to profile directory. If you want I can make a video.

If the add-on is unpacked, it’s likely the problem is that the files in the installation directory are being changed somehow, which would break the signature. If your add-on saves or changes any files, it should do that elsewhere in the profile directory.

If you still have trouble with this, please email amo-admins AT mozilla DOT org and we will help you out.

Yes my add-on creates a timestamp file for periodic update check in my extension folder.