[Mozillians.org] Frontend Triaging & Mentored bugs

Hi all,

Over the last few days I went through all bugs for mozillians.org. My intention was to triage mostly Frontend bugs, see which ones are not relevant any more or need a quick update. ~20 really old bugs were closed, mostly for being obsolete due to recent UI changes. ~10 bugs were added in the mentored list.

Mentored Bugs

We have now a list of 25 mentored bugs! These are either backend or frontend issues requiring different skillset, but are identified as good first bugs for people who want to start contributing. These are also good fits for familiarizing yourself with mozillians codebase or development environment, and you should expect guidance if you wish to take one.

UI/UX Bugs

There is also a list of bugs that have a significant UI/UX aspect. Many of these are not part of the mentored list, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start working on them. Some also require design work (eg. prototyping, mock-ups) before start coding, for those of you with relevant skils :wink:

As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to ParSys team, on IRC (#partcipationsystems) or Telegram.


I followed all the instructions for the local environment but when i try to sign in get that error:

ImproperlyConfigured at /oidc/authenticate/

I guess because the docs refer to persona but is dismissed and now there is another service for the login. In the settings file I configured my email already used for the authentication on the real mozillians portal.

Yes, you are right. I opened a bug to update the documentation.

One temporary workaround is to first create a superuser

docker-compose run web python manage.py createsuperuser

and give that user the approprate permissions

docker-compose run web ./scripts/su.sh

Adjust the commands if you use virtualenv instead of docker.

You can add these lines to your mozillians/settings/local.py file, just to get over the errors:


Now, you won’t be able to sign in through the frontent, but you can go to /admin/ and use the credentials you created. This would hopefully work and either log you in, or get you through the initial registration form.

Ping me on Telegram/IRC if you need any help.

Ok I created a pr with this changes https://github.com/mozilla/mozillians/pull/1583.
After this when I click on signin I got that url (with error for too many redirects):

But after the authentication on /admin now i can enter on the frontend :slight_smile:

Uhm on saving the profile there is the recaptcha that not work, probably because there are no key for that service.

@Mte90 Instead of changing the variables to workaround the error I think its more clean to override the authentication backend in your local.py file.


Thanks for the PR i will add some more comments there :rocket:

Yes, that’s correct. Google has a set of keys for testing purposes you can use. You can add these to your mozillians/settings/local.py file.


Well now I can login, the problem is recaptcha that not enable me to save the profile because the keys are missing so I cannot use the portal.

Ok now is perfect!
I updated the pr the issues now that there are no data examples in the system.
This is pretty annoying :-/

There is a way to have data examples? In that way I can work on other tickets.

I followed all the instructions for the local environment, found an issue in the documentation. In the building mozillians section(using docker), on the 8th step I got the following error :

ERROR 2005 (HY000): Unknown MySQL server host 'db_1' (-3)

To fix this issue I had to tweak the command,

$ docker-compose run db /bin/bash
shell> mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo/ | mysql -uroot -proot -h mozillians_db_1 mysql

Hopefully, anybody looking for the same issue will find this helpful.

After fixing the issue I followed all the instructions in the doc, navigated to the http: and successfully logged in. I got the initial registration form, tried to submit the form but I get a This field is required. error for the I'm okay with you handling this info as you explain in Mozilla's privacy policy checkbox. Not sure it’s known or not or anybody else faced the same issue. Should I file a bug for this issue or is it just my local setup problem.

better file a bug so you will have answers by the developers