Mozilla Tech Speakers Program Winter 2017 application now open

Dear Friends & Fellow Mozillians,

2016 has been a year of learning and growth for Mozilla Tech Speakers - and we’re planning and preparing for more growth in the upcoming year, thanks to all of you!

This note is the official announcement: We are opening the application form for the next Mozilla Tech Speakers training - Winter 2017! We will close the form at midnight PST on Friday, December 30, 2016. Please read all the directions carefully. Read them twice. We have changed some of the qualifications and the attendance commitments required for this program.

The Winter 2017 training is designed as a series of Masterclasses and Labs. Masterclasses are video presentations about public speaking from expert speakers and Labs are weekly group practice sessions that accompany the masterclasses, led by facilitators who are also experienced Mozilla Tech Speakers.

We will begin the next 6-week series in late January/early February of 2017. To get the full benefit of the experience, participants in the 2017 program should expect to commit at least 3-4 hours weekly during the six weeks of the program. This commitment includes active real-time participation in 6 scheduled group sessions (Labs), viewing of all the relevant Masterclasses associated with the 6-week program; and completing weekly assignments designed to stretch your skills as a presenter and move you closer to your personal speaking goals.

Important: We’ve made some changes to the application process. Every applicant is required to submit a video that shows them speaking about Firefox, Mozilla, or the open web from a technical perspective. This video doesn’t have to be long or fancy. It can be a 60-second pitch recorded on your mobile phone while sitting at the bus stop about why we should select your talk, or a simple description of who you are and why you are qualified to be a Tech Speaker. Or, you can share a link to a recorded talk you’ve already delivered. We want to know that you are OK speaking publicly, since that’s what this program is all about! If we can’t see you on video, we can’t admit you to the program.

The wufoo form may look familiar, but we’ve made a few changes. We do not require a letter of recommendation anymore. We require a video where we can see and hear you. Please submit only once. We will review your first submission only. If it is not complete or missing a working video, we will move on to the next application. We will close the form at midnight PST on Friday, December 30. All applications will be reviewed by a small team that includes contributors and Developer Relations staff.

By mid-January, we aim to notify all applicants whether they have been accepted or not. In the meantime, you can get a feel for the program by reading more details on the wiki, following @moztechspeakers on twitter, or taking a look at the Masterclasses from this past summer. You can find them here:

Reminder: Mozilla Tech Speakers is a program for volunteers offered by the developer relations team, which is part of the new Emerging Technologies organization. Our focus is on technical evangelism: speaking about technical topics to technical audiences – developers, designers, and people who build for the web.

Look forward to working with you all for the health of the Internet as a global public resource.

Thanks for all your contributions. Got questions? Please post them here.



This still has some “WAITING FOR AN UPDATED LINK” and similar in the document :wink:

Also, it may be a good idea to turn the link to the actual application form into an actual link.

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Thanks for the feedback/catch @KaiRo - I just updated the links - it’s a bit of chicken and egg thing. I also made the application link a live link - good idea!

I updated the copy of the form with a bit more info. Linking to the copy of the form is very intentional, since people should be prepared with a link to their video before they jump into the form. Wufoo does not save sessions and we will not review duplicate submissions.

cheers, Havi

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Looks awesome! While you did that, I completed my application, works nicely! I hope we’ll get another great cohort of people into this program!

Havi, one more thing: The reply email when having sent the form still has the dates for the Summer 2016 program/cohort, that should be updated as well :wink:

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@KaiRo bonus points for the QA! :smile: So many bits to flip, so little time… Thank you! I’m very glad it went smoothly for you!

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Hey, I was once, when such a thing still existed, in the QA Team at Mozilla! :wink:
Happy to help making all this even better for the people coming after me!

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@havi Hello! This is Anubha, I will be graduating in 2017 with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering. I really want to apply for this training program. Can you suggest me if I am suitable for this training?

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@anubhamane this program isn’t student-only. Anyone who can give the
required commitment of time, can apply. All the best! :slight_smile:


Thanks @shaguftamethwani :slight_smile: I am really excited to join this training, I am gonna complete the application asap!

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Thanks so much @shaguftamethwani - absolutely correct! @anubhamane You should be able to commit time and be willing to practice speaking and sharing feedback with peers over video. Look forward to seeing your application.:relaxed::+1:


@havi Created my video today, will complete my application in a day or two. Thanks! Really looking forward to it :slight_smile:


Hello @havi, I just sent my application. :v:
Now I’m trying to encourage people here in Brazil to do the same!


Nice @anubhamane & @felipez3r0 finger crossed, wish you all the best :smiley:


Hi @havi ! :slight_smile: I’m preparing my application, and trying to collect all the information following the copy of the original form. All my activities are before 2016, nothing of activity this year and only one on 2015… can I still apply?
Thanks, Santiago

Hello @sanux - It’s good to hear from you, I would be very happy to see your application! It’s ok if your activities are from before 2016, you can share info about activities from 2015 and before. It would be nice to have a chance to work with you again…

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Thanks @havi for the quick response and a warm welcome, I’m very excited about the program and to retake activity on the Mozilla Community, It would be really nice for me too… hope to fit with my application. Also I want to thanks @Mermi for spreading the word about the program! thanks for sharing it!!! didn’t know about it until today.
All the best for all!! :slight_smile:


Hi @havi, I do have video of a talk I gave about mozilla’s new debugger.html project which I’m involved in. But it’s in Hebrew. Does that qualify? thanks!

Hello dear Havi :slight_smile:
Before submitting my application I want to ask you about the video I have to submit .
First , could I post a youtube video of myself talking in front of people but in Arabic ?
Second , if my talk is part of a long video is it necessary to cut it and send just my part ?
For example , I have a talk on Mozilla air is it enough to send the link or I have to cut it and upload it again on youtube to send just my part ?
Thanks a lot

Hi @amitzur and everyone else! - You are welcome to submit video of a presentation or introduction in another language. That said, it is important to know that you will need to be able to participate and speak in front of other Tech Speakers in English in order to be part of this program. The Masterclasses training materials and Lab exercises all happen in English.

In future we are hoping to expand beyond English-only trainings.