Mozilla Tech Speakers program update

Hello Friends,

The Winter 2017 Tech Speakers training has come to an end. Congratulations to everyone who was part of the training and special thanks to our volunteer Facilitators (who are also active speakers)! Their contribution of time, skill and attention have made it possible for us to keep this program growing.

We’re taking a break from trainings for the next several months, to digest your feedback, and design some experiments and improvements to make this program stronger and more effective for everyone. We are not currently planning a new MasterClass/Labs training session for 2017.

All Tech Speakers will continue to meet regularly, and we will keep you informed here about new opportunities to participate. We have no new plans for an application process at this time.

Tech Speakers & Activate events:

  • Are you a Mozilla Rep or a Campus Club leader planning an Activate event for developers in your locale?
  • Do you need a presenter to give a talk or a offer a workshop focused on WebVR/A-Frame, Rust, Developer Tools, or Web Extensions?
  • If the answer is yes, we like to connect you with a Tech Speaker in your region to partner with you on a presentation. Please ping us here or by email.

In the meantime, if you are interested in working on your public speaking skills - please check out the Tech Speakers channel on Air Mozilla.

And keep on rockin’ the free web!

Thank you.

P.S. Please take a few moments and take this essential Community survey! You know you have something to say. :slight_smile:


or anyone interested in hosting a activity :slight_smile:


Thank you for that clarification @mkohler ! That was my ignorance - yes, please, for anyone interested in hosting an activity :slight_smile: