Mozilla Reps in 2014

We have published a blog post about the program in 2014:

What was the best moment in the Reps program for you in 2014? :wink:


My favorite moment of 2014 was probably the Vancouver Hive Pop-Up in October – specifically the training session. That was my first event as a Rep, and I was really nervous. But I remember leaving and saying, “Wow, I guess I really do belong here.” And that was the greatest feeling in the world.


This post makes me so happy :slight_smile: Michaela you were such a wonderful addition to this event, and Reps in general, so thrilled to see you feel this way - you most definitely belong. x

My favorite moment of 2014 was FirefoxOSBus tour in INDIA, and i being part of it enjoyed each and every part of the 8000 KM ride in spreading the awesomeness of firefox OS around the country :smile:


The energy around MozFest was inspiring

Late to the party, but definitely the events that spread MozLove by road travels. #MozDrive :wink:

My favourite moment during 2014 was when I received the invitation for the QA work week in Mountain View, California that took place July 28 - July 31. I was one of the 3 Community members that were invited. When I read the email and understood Mozilla would cover all costs, my eyes filled with tears: my dream had come true!!

It’s hard to remember “the best” moment. OK, probably when I found out I was rep of the month! Because, for me, that summarizes the year. Which has been awesome and overwhelming at the same time. I sure hope that 2015 will be even better, with more good memories…