[Mozilla India] Call for Participation-Maker Fest 2017

Hi Mozilla India,

The Call for Participation is open for Maker Fest 2017 http://blog.mozillaindia.org/1761.

About Maker Fest: Maker Fest is the Indian continuation of Maker Faire
hosted across America, Europe, Africa and Japan, among others. Maker Faire,
which launched in California, USA in 2006, now hosts hundreds of thousands
attendees twice a year across California and New York.

Like Every year we will shortlist few active and passionate mozillians to
help us with this event. Hurry up and Apply here https://goo.gl/forms/WRvnulHmfgc7hguu1

Note: that the deadline to apply for the event is on or
before December 10th.

All the best.:+1:

Mehul Patel
Mozilla India.


Applied. Fingers crossed, hope to get selected :sweat_smile:

Awesome! All the best :+1:

  1. Ankit Gadgil
  2. Umesh Agrawal
  3. Priyanka Nag
  4. Mehul Patel

Just to update that, these are the reviewer of the applications. Thanks you. :slight_smile:


Hey all,

Thank you for showing interest in Maker Fest 2017. We have received more than 100+ applications and 6 are shortlisted under budget and 5 are shortlisted under Non-Budget .Here goes the list of all 6+5=11 amazing volunteers who will be representing Mozilla at Maker Fest.

  1. Vishal Chavan
  2. Ipsha Bhidonia
  3. Tanay Pant
  4. Anubha Maneshwar
  5. Md Shahbaz Alam
  6. Vigneshwer Dhinakaran

Mansi Trivedi
Viral Parmar
Pranshu Khanna
Kamlesh Vilpurateli
Rufus Chakravarthy Sharma

Congratulations to you all. :slight_smile:

Once again thank you for taking time in filling up the form.


Mehul Patel,
On behalf of Mozilla India