Mozilla Europe Flickr account contact info

Hi, recently represented Mozilla at a major local event [1] where I took some pictures. Since our local community don’t currently have a Flickr account I want to submitt them to the Mozilla Europe Flickr [2] account but have a hard time to find any contact info for that account, any help would be very appreciated.


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@r_oVhPfcJCUUC5wbm6i4_C2Q or @nitot can definitely help here

I think the Europe PR team handles that account.

You can ping them at press-eu ar mozilla dot com

Thanks @r_oVhPfcJCUUC5wbm6i4_C2Q & @Ioana for the info.

Thanks @nukeador for the quick response! More precisely, I’m pretty sure that Barbara Hüppe bhueppe at m…com has the login details.


Thanks for the addtional info, mail sent.

no answer yet, reminder sent.