Mozilla Discourse release 2017-09-13

Since our last set of release notes:


  • We’ve enabled tagging on this instance:
    • Some notable tags you might want to subscribe to are:
      • #announcement for important instance-wide announcements
      • #release for (the continuation of) these release notes (more below)
    • The settings are currently quite restrictive to avoid a crazy uncontrollable explosion of tags:
      • Only TL4 users (and moderator and admins) can create new tags, but anyone can apply them
      • Certain tags can only be used by moderators and admins, like: #announcement and #release
      • In certain categories, only certain tags can be used, like:
    • Like all great things, this is an iterative process - so we will definitely introduce new tags, and likely expand permissions going forward
  • (Upcoming) changes to release notes:

Further theme iteration:


Full upstream changes.

As always, feedback about anything mentioned within, or indeed the format of these notes (both now and going forward), welcome below!

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