Mozilla Couchsurfing

As some of you might know there is a “couchsurfing” group on

A group of Mozillians willing to let others sleep at their place if
needed. Feel free to ask group members to stay at their place to sleep a
couple of days. Join the group if you can host other Mozillians.

Some time ago I created a MindMap to capture the features needed for a Mozillians Couchsurfing platform apart from this Mozillians group.

What do you think? Should we create our own platform or is the mozillians group good enough? Should/could this even be a part of itself?

Let’s discuss here and see what we can come up with :slight_smile:


Definitely talk to @williamr, who PMs about what features are available or might soon be. I know that better geographic searching is in the works, for example. And you might be able to access group membership via the API. I think does this to determine who has access to NDA videos, for example.

But this type of app is probably best implemented separately. There is a lot of functionality you want that is probably not core to (e.g., making appointments). And Mozilla would probably prefer not to have the liability of supporting this type of activity directly.

@pierros is now taking over development lead :wink:

@nukeador is correct. @pierros is the best person to answer what features will be available soon.

I think the minimal new functionality is a way to find Couchsurfing hosts by location. There is an unfinished pull request to add a map on the groups page, which would provide that functionality in a visual way.

Perhaps someone could finish that PR?

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