Mozilla Balkans Monthly Meetings

We restarted the online meetings with the Balkans Communities and it will be each first Tuesday of the month.

Who is Mozilla Balkans?


The time remains 20:00 CET?

Mostly yes. We can change it if people can’t make it. I can ask on the group.

Hey Ioana et al.

This first Tuesday (Nov 3) I wont be able to attend the meeting. I have a poetry reading at the same time.

Regarding the Macedonian community I don’t have anything to report since the last meeting (for which I wrote here).

There has been no news form the students and their club activities are on hold as far as I can understand. We haven’t had any other activities.

I hope you have a good meeting.

I was also most of the latest day out so I did not get a change to announce it. SO maybe it is best to postpone it one week - will that work for you @novica?

Yes. I think I will be free next Tuesday, though I will have nothing to report as well. :slight_smile:

@Ioana when will the meeting be this Tuesday?

Me, @bking, @couci and some more Balkan people are not available so we will mostly likely postpone it one week

Oh yeah, I forgot, Portland of course :smile: Have a good time there!

Moving this to 16th December - again due to traveling and availability.

The etherpad linked to from the post in .balkans is only available to logged-in folks, is that intentional? And/or required?

@Pike It was the default state - and forgot to change it. It is public now.