Mozilla at FOSSASIA 2016

Dear Mozillians,

As some of you know, FOSSASIA will be held again in Singapore in March 18th to 20th. This year Mozilla’s presence will not include the event sponsorship, our approach is to focus on a few solid talks and some experiments to reach out to developers .

In order to identify the talks for which we will sponsor travel we opened a short form:

This is only to people that already sent their talks to the event organizers. We are not going to select new talks. Also, due time constrains, the deadline to fill this form is Sunday 28th.

We will select 4 to 5 talks to sponsor, our criteria for the selection is:

  • Relevance of the topic
  • Speaker skills
  • Speaker proximity to Singapore
  • Mozillian activity over the last 6 months
  • Willingness to represent Mozilla and experiment new ways of engaging with developers

Please note that this year’s travel policy is different. For the selected talks we will sponsor the speaker’s travel and accommodation. We won’t be covering other expenses, for example we won’t cover Visa fees this time. We will provide a hotel with easy access through public transportation to the venue.

There are other comments we want to make about our presence:

  • Since the event is technical, we will strongly encourage topics like: IoT, Developer Tools, WebVR, and games.
  • By applying for sponsorship you commit to not only will give your talk, you will have an active role as a member of the team, such as attending calls before and after the events, helping us setup and execute experiments to engage with developers. Aside from that, we would love to see a blog post after the event.
  • The sponsored talks will be recorded, we will upload this talks to Air Mozilla as soon as possible.

We will communicate more about our presence to the selected people. In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact me or Rosana if you want to request more information.

Kind regards,
Francisco Picolini


Dear Mozillians,

We would like to announce that after a review of the proposals, and the ones that people already applied to the FOSSASIA event, we’ve decided along with Dev-Rel team to select 4 talks this time.

The selected people are:

  1. Robert Reyes: “Mozilla on Connected Devices, MozVR & Firefox Developer Tools”.
  2. Anivar Aravind: “India’s fight for Netneutrality and open internet”.
  3. Rizky Ariestiyansyah: “WebAPI and Hybrid Application”.
  4. Ram Dayal Vaishnav: “Firefox OS - Fast Track to IoT”.

Feel free to contact me if you have any inquiry or wants to share some feedback.

The selected speakers will help us to set up some experiments to contact with developers in the region, and they will share their experience through a blogpost or in Discourse. There will be a public debrief as well, to explain what we’ve achieved, and lessons learned, so all the mozillians can learn about this experience.

Kind regards,


Many congratulations to all the selected guys.
All the very best :slightly_smiling:
