Mozilla Activate Day 2017

This next July 24th in the city of Puntarenas, Costa Rica, the community of mozilla Centroamerica will be organized the first “Mozilla Activate Day” which will be held at the UCR Esparza.

It will be an event of one day, topics related to the “MozActivate” campaign are shown as a Mozilla program. It is also related to Privacy on the Web and to Diversity and Inclusion (D&I).

The topics to be presented are:

  • Programming with Rust
  • Introduction to WebExtensions Development
  • Browsing with WebExtension for Firefox
  • Web Compatibility Sprint - Dynamic Demonstration Test Pilot
  • A-Frame: A framework for building experiences in Virtual Reality
  • Conversatory about WoMoz Latin America Project / Inclusion and Diversity

Participating communities:

  1. Mozilla Nicaragua
  2. Mozilla Panamá
  3. Mozilla El Salvador

This is the event portal:

You can find details of the talks through our twitter and facebook page.


Hey Ana Sofia,
Do you want to share ore about this in the Reps Call today at 16 UTC?