MozFest Space Contributors 2016 Application

Hello Mozillians,

This is a call for volunteers that want to be part of MozFest

This year mozillians will be helping at different spaces of MozFest. The selection process will be based on skills and roles at the event, we will also try to have a good balance of gender and regions.

If you want to help, and you think that you can make a difference there, please apply until August 1st (EOD European time).

Registration form:

Note that this call is completely independent from the call for proposals open already through the MozFest page: that you can apply if you want :wink:

Volunteers selected from Participation will have their travel and accommodation covered, but they will be committed to help to at least in one Space.

Only 20 volunteers will be selected, so if you want to make any inquiry, don’t hesitate to contact me or Brian King.



Hello Francisco! For how long will be form opened and is it stricted to the EU volunteers only or world wide? Thanks in advance!

Hello Francisco! thanks for your information. Gbu :slight_smile:

The form will be open until August 1st (EOD European time)

And no, it’s not restricted to any region, just like we did last year.



I have shared this information with all of the 2015 MozFest local volunteers - will be interested in how many apply.

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Just to clarify and be very clear:

This application is independent from the Call for Proposals, if you get your proposal accepted, that doesn’t mean that we will automatically approve your presence through this process, and you should probably need to confirm what’s covered if a space accepts your proposal.

Those who get accepted through this Application (the Space contributors), will receive an email with a link to a form to indicate details for Visa (if needed), travel and accommodation. There are only 20 slots, and the selection process will be based on skills, roles needed, and a balance between regions and genders.


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Before applying I’d like to know what expected of me if I am selected.

Best regards,

Hola Gaby,

The role of volunteers this year is to help at the different spaces (there are 10 Spaces in Mozfest this year, and you can see each description here: Mozfest Spaces).

We will be selecting volunteers based on Roles that Spaces has requested, and that’s why we ask for Skills in the form. If you are a localizer, we will be assigning you to the Localization space, if you are a Writer, we will be assigning you to the Journalism space, and so on.

There are only 20 spots available, so we will try to select the most adequate person for each space. This is not a sponsoring to assist only, or go as an attendee to a Space, this is for participate at the Space under a certain role. So basically you will be requesting to help in specific tasks at one or two spaces.

Hope this clarify a little. If you need more information, don’t hesitate to ask.


Hola Franc,

Many thanks for such a detailed answer! I am Spanish and an es-AR localizer, so I’ll apply for that space. I hope to be lucky enough to be chosen!

Thanks again!
Best regards,

Quick reminder:
Registration closes this next Monday August 1st.

Some remarks:

  • This process is completely independent from the Talk Proposals. If your proposal is accepted, that doesn’t mean that you will be automatically selected through this process.
  • This call is for volunteering at the spaces (we will assign you to a maximum of 2 spaces). It requires commitment and attend some meetings prior to Mozfest. That’s the reason we are asking skills.
  • We will try to publish selected persons by the end of that week (August 5th), so we have enough time to process visas (if needed)
  • Participation team doesn’t have a vote on the Talk Proposals, if you have any inquiry about that, please contact the organization or the space owner. If your proposal is accepted, please check what’s covered by each space.
  • Space Volunteers will be sponsored for travel, accommodation and visa fees.

If you have any other inquiry, don’t hesitate to send me an email, or reply in this thread.


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Hi Franc / Brian,

I want to know the significance of proposal submission with this application. Actually I am still pondering upon proposing a session for MozFest, do you recommend filling this application only after proposing my session?


Hello @ram,

As it says in this post: talk proposal is completely independent from Space Volunteer application. If you got your talk accepted, that doesn’t mean that you will be automatically selected as Space Volunteer. These are two completely different processes.

Kind regards,

Hi Franc,

  1. Basically my question was - why does this application form ask if we
    have submitted a proposal or not (as both of these are completely separate

  2. I have not proposed a session in MozFest but I will propose one in a day
    or two. Should I submit this application form only after proposing the


Because we want to know if you submit something or not. It doesn’t add points, or give you more chances to get selected, it’s an informative thing only.

Whatever you prefer, in the end, we will be able to see if you submit something, since it’s on github, and we share the lists. Again, if you submit a proposal, it won’t give more credits, or add points to your application for Space Volunteer. The only thing is that you will have to be conscious that Space Volunteers are requested to commit to stay at the Space a certain amount of time (that will depend on each space), so it’s not a sponsoring to attend the event.

Hope this clarify a little.


Its clear now, Thanks Franc :slight_smile:

Hi Franc, Many thanks for such a detailed reply! I have applied for the
Localization Space and I hope to be lucky enough to be chosen.

Best regards,
QA Mozilla Hispano Team Responsible

Hello everyone,

I’ve closed the application form last night, as it was stipulated on this thread.

We’ve received an amazing amount of applications, there are more than 200 mozillians that applied. Since the amount exceeded our expectations, we might need a couple of days more to announce the selected mozillians for this event. So stay tuned for any update.

The selection process will be based on:

  • Skills
  • Roles requested
  • Goals
  • Gender
  • Region

Participation team, and Space Wranglers will be the people that will vote based on this criteria, so if you have any inquiry, don’t hesitate to send me an email.



Hello all,

After a tough and thoughtful selection process, with more than 200 great applications from all over the world, we are happy to announce that we have a final list of 21 volunteers that will be helping at the different Spaces at Mozfest.

The selection process was based on:

  • Skills
  • Roles
  • Goals
  • Gender
  • Region

The Spaces Wranglers also voted, and after a cross-checking between our votes, their votes and the roles we need, here you have the final list of volunteers:

They will be receiving an email from the Participation team to inform next steps and how to complete their registration for Mozfest. Please note that those who applied also for a talk proposal doesn’t mean that it will be automatically accepted. Proposals accepted will be announced at the beginning of September.

For those who wants to congratulate them, please do it in this thread.
If you want to make any inquiry, do not hesitate to contact me by email.

Kind regards,


Many congratulations for all of those amazing enough to have been selected (looks like it was against TOUGH competition :slight_smile: ) . I will look forward to meeting you all at MozFest!
(MozFest - Local Volunteer Coordinator)


Whoa ! The list seems cool. I know many of them and they’re definitely the right fit :smiley:
I missed it this time, but will definitely try again for some other opportunity :slight_smile:

Congratulations :smiley: