Mozfest - October 26-28, 2018 [MEGATHREAD]

6 months until Mozfest!

With preparations building already for the 2018 event, I felt it appropriate to start a thread and collate information over the next 179 days.


Fri Oct 26 - MozFest Science Fair - 18:00-21:00

Sat Oct 27 - MozFest - Doors Open @ 08:00

  • Opening plenary @ 09:00
  • Photo @ 09:40

Sun Oct 28 - Clocks go back 1h hour @ 02:00

Sun Oct 28 - MozFest - Doors Open @ 09:00

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A number of Mozfest space wranglers, staff, and production from across the globe met in April in Eindhoven, Netherlands.

Regular Mozfest wrangler calls commence May 10.

Hi @david_ross

Begun the Mozfest planning has!

Do we know what the themes are for this year, and when the session submission window opens (and closes!)?

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Hi @Seburo! Spaces again run along the axes of topics found in the Internet Health Report:

  • Privacy and Security
  • Digital Inclusion
  • Decentralization
  • Openness
  • Web Literacy

plus the crowd fave: Youth Zone! and new for 2018 is the Queering Mozfest experience.

The festival theme and space descriptions will be made available towards end of May.

Call for proposals (CFP) will be June-August. Precise open/close dates have not been communicated.

Mozfest House will also return October 22-26. More suprises to come!

This is the 9th Mozilla Foundation lead Mozilla Festival. Almost 2,000 people attend over 9 floors. There are usually 3 ways to attend:

  1. Submit a (successful) session proposal

    • Call for proposals (CFP) open for 3 months from June (exact date TBC)
    • We had almost 900 session proposals in 2017
    • Due to production limits, under half of those submitted are accepted
    • CFP closes August (exact date TBC)
    • Accepted sessions are announced in September
    • Accepted session facilitators are encouraged to attend the whole weekend festival (food and party included)
  2. Volunteer to help out on event days

    • Minimum 4 hour shift (t-shirt, food, party – are all provided)
    • Training sessions held in London but recorded in case you can’t make it, with some compulsory viewing (especially health & safety etc.)
    • Please note, volunteers are unable to be supported for their travel and accommodation needs
    • Watch for more details (ETA: July)
  3. Purchase a ticket

    • Several ticket options were available last year
    • Full details ETA: August
    • Full weekend ticket included food and party

Details begin rolling out in June. Check the website and Twitter for more information as it is communicated. And I’ll disseminate info as I’m able to in this thread.

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MozFest call for proposals (CFP) opens June 1st and will remain open for TWO months.

#Mozfest 2018 theme is ‘Data and You.’

Open call for session proposals until August 1, 2018.

We’re looking to have conversations on data that move us toward the future we want to see. What does the future of personal data and the internet as a global public resource look like a year from now? 5 years? 10 years?

Whether your project directly relates to data, unites diverse people online from around the globe, or uses the web to artistically fight for a healthy internet, we want to hear about it.

We’re seeking projects that explore artificial intelligence and machine learning. In a world where biased algorithms, skewed data sets, and broken recommendation engines can radicalize YouTube users, promote racism, and spread fake news, it’s more important than ever to support artwork and advocacy work that educates and engages internet users.

Mozilla is awarding a total of $225,000, with individual awards ranging up to $50,000. Final award amounts are at the discretion of award reviewers and Mozilla staff, but it is currently anticipated that the following awards will be made:

Two $50,000 total prize packages ($47,500 award + $2,500 MozFest travel stipend)

Five $25,000 total prize packages ($22,500 award + $2,500 MozFest travel stipend)

Here’s the Social images to share in your network and encourage your friends to send in a session proposal before the August 1 deadline. Invite your network into our network. Assets are also to be found in French, German, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, and more to come. Don’t forget to add the proposals link!!

Mozfest is a COMMUNITY event. Held over 9 floors and we’re proud of the diversity of sessions and workshops held by youth, marginalised, beginners, through to world experts. It can be a daunting thought to consider holding space.

We have a number of ways in which we seek to coach you towards a great experience. Here’s one of them. Clarity on what we are looking for from proposals:

Mozfest social videos content to share via London production company DOSED.

Only 6 WEEKS before the open call for proposals closes.

This week the applications for Round 6 of Mozilla Foundation’s Open Leaders program kicked off. Applicants are encouraged to also submit a Mozfest session proposal. Your Mozfest proposal still needs to be in by August 1, but closing date for Open Leaders is August 5.

Even if you’ve already sent in your Mozfest proposal you can still apply for this ace network building opportunity!

Open Leaders is a 14 week peer mentored network for open projects. I had a project back in Round 2 and mentored in Rounds 4 & 5. If you have an open source project already active, you’ll be taken through Github, important documents like your Code of Conduct, growing your contributors, hosting events and much more.

It’s as good as the effort you personally put in. I highly recommend it if you might have a few hours spare each week September through December.

If you’ve previously been in the program please do consider becoming a mentor for this round. You’ll learn so much and are supported by Mozilla with mentor’s training too! It incredibly rewarding sharing your personal growth experience with others hungry to learn.

Today marks 4 MONTHS until doors open at Ravensbourne in London for Mozfest.

Important dates still ahead:


  • Onboarding of volunteers is due to start soon!


There are now only FOUR WEEKS until we expect to close the Call for Proposals for Mozfest.

Here’s a folder of creative to assist you in sharing the news to your friends:

If you want to check out what’s been sent to us, head over to the Github repo:

There’s also a dedicated Gitter channel open to take any questions:

Most importantly the link to send in your ideas:

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