MozCoffee in Dhaka - 2015

Hello all,

I am Mohi Us Sunnat, a Reps from Dhaka, Bangladesh. As we all know that this year Mozilla has planned Growth Spring Campaign with the hashtag #FoxYeah. I feel lucky to organize MozCoffee in Dhaka city. I have organized 6 MozCoffee events in six different Firefox Clubs of Dhaka and the campaign duration was 25 June to 7 July.

Event Page (Reps Portal): MozCoffee in Dhaka – 2015

The Clubs are

Regarding this Campaign I made a plan to success the agenda. The Plan was

  • Selecting 12-15 FSAs to make a Booth for campaign in every club. It
    may take 4-5 hours per day for 2/3 days.
  • Anyone comes to the booth, they will tell and show them the features of latest Firefox Browser and the mission of Mozilla regarding Firefox.
  • Encouraging people to share #FoxYeah! in Facebook, Twitter or any Social network. To make this more encouraging a MozCoffee sticker will be gifted to those who share.
  • Providing the Firefox Desktop offline install file to those who are willing to join the booth.
  • To make a video and take interview who will join the booth. After Taking the 6 club’s video, we will combine the videos in one Final Video.
  • The Final day of club’s campaign, we will arrange a MozCoffee where the FSAs and the new comers will come and take some snacks and end the Campaign (It’s applicable for every clubs).
  • Write blogs at least one from every club.

With the help of the Club Leads, FSAs and Mozillians, I have successfully finished my campaign. :slight_smile:

Attendance in this Campaign (including visitors):
Estimated Attendance: 200
Actual Attendance: more than 350



Video links:

Event Hashtags: #FoxYeah #MozCoffeeDhaka2015