Message passing between content/background scripts in WebExtension API

The wiki page for WebExtension says, under “extension” that:

We support only getBackgroundPage and getURL

Does that mean that chrome.extension.sendMessage is not supported? How do we do message passing between content and background scripts?


I’d suggest reading that more carefully. It’s still experimental and still in development. See about extending the APIs here too:

Thanks for the link to additional info. I’ve read the list a few more times, and it seems that at the top of the list it says:

The following APIs are fully or partially supported.

But then, since under ‘extension’ it says that “only” getBackgrondPage and getUrl are supported, I would assume it means that chrome.extension.sendMesssage is not supported. Is this just a glitch in the documentation? The developer.mozilla page you linked to seems to indicate that message passing is indeed a primary way extensions will work.

Is it just not implemented yet?

It appears it’s just not implemented yet. I’d hit them up on the uservoice link at the dev page about it though.

Yes, that’s the impression that I got as well. Can you point me more specifically in the direction of the uservoice forum? I don’t see a link.

Thanks so much for all your help!