Merging Project Meeting and Triage (Please vote)

Hi all,

Well the multiple meetings were for my benefit and now I don’t have time to do so many now that I have a job.

At the last meeting we agreed to try taking a scrum approach with two week sprints. We’ll meet once a week, with one meeting being the recap/planning meeting and the next meeting being the triage meeting, but changing the scope to focus on the issues identified for the sprint.

So here’s the question, would you rather meet Tuesdays at the usual time or Wednesdays?

  • Tuesday (5pm UTC)
  • Wednesday (5pm UTC)
  • Both are fine
  • Neither work

0 voters

@tanner, @yousef, @mrz, @tad, @jan, @logan, @leo, @Kensie, @r_zQIuKYxXWhGlZC2jLVXmNQ, @buluma_michael, @JLensmeister, @safwan

@leo - I think I’ll need your help seeing who voted for what :wink:

Some ideas here

9a US/Pacific is problematic. 9:30a US/Pacific is easier for me.

grr, I’m sure I voted for “both are fine” but that option is showing no votes :-\

Please reply with your vote just to be sure.

Wednesday is better for me.

Wednesday works for me too

We may need to call it that you join when you can. 12pm on the dot works for me as we (my job) all generally take lunch then, we don’t usually schedule meetings during that hour. We (community ops) are pretty good though at working meetings to suit who can come when.

Ok, we’ll meet Wednesday (today) this week, and give the poll a bit more time, but it looks like Wednesday is best.