Merge bookmark folders into Downloads

Please merge bookmark folders mechanism into downloads section.

What should be changed?

Add arrow to the right of download folder button.

That arrow should reveal dropdown similar to bookmark folder dropdown where default and recent folders should be available, also chooser. Optionally folders dedicated to containers can be added too.

In Downloads modal multiselect should be added and download folder dropdown working for selected files.

How it should work?

By default files downloaded into default location, but user can pick another location.

These menu items should move file to picked folder.

Why is it needed?

In work field where:

  • assets preparation is needed - for example android icons are collected, images and libraries for website development, preparation for project presentation(massive screenshots are made via firefox itself)

  • work with files in different contexts - I can split my work with firefox containers, I want to split files used in my work too.

Here in Downloads, arrow should be added.

This bookmark folder can be used for downloads