Meeting with Participation Infrastructure

@pierros has suggested this Thursday at 16UTC (12pm EDT/ 9am PDT)

Does this time work for you guys? It’s 1h before our usual triage meeting.

@tanner, @yousef, @mrz, @tad, @logan, @leo, @Kensie, @MichaelaRBrown, @comzeradd

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Yeah, works for me

I have recurring meetings from 8:30a - 11:30a US/Pacific on Thursdays.

This Thursday I’m in US/Central and could do something much earlier.

Works for me


I have a meeting with my school at 3:15PM about how I’m way too atheist to take religious education at a catholic school, so it depends on how that goes.


This should work for me.

So, are we doing this today?

Yes, let’s do it, whoever does/doesn’t make it, it will be a start. Sorry for not replying yesterday.

Which medium/channel you want to use?

We usually use vidyo, we have our own room if that suits you? It’s in the topic in #communityit

I am trying to wrap up a meeting and wrangle the team too. Might be late :frowning: Should we send a proper invite for all people same time Monday? I know we keep pushing it back and we need to start so many discussions. Terribly sorry.

Late is ok, most of us are around, so whenever you can make it join us?

cool will do.