Hi all,
Getting a few moments to breathe after Orlando before turning around and heading to London!
I have an (hopefully fun) assignment for you:
One thing that’s clear is that next year we need to really hit the ground running. It’s a bit scary, but I think we can do it. The first step to achieving this is by being really intentional about how we work. How we work big picture, how we go about a particular task and also how we work with each other.
I want us to each share an article or a blog post that has inspired us personally about working better. It can be about how to overcome procrastination, a particular scrum pointing system, a review on one monitoring system over another, tips on communicating better or even just something that made you feel better about yourself. It’s ok if you’re not sure it’s appropriate for the team, just so long as it really clicked with you.
- Anyone who contributes to the team, or would like to, is welcome to share something, even if you aren’t meeting us in London
- If you really want to share a book, cheat and find a good article/review that sums up the principles of the book
- Please try and share by Friday so we have a chance to check them out, it’ll be great reading for the commute (Tanner leaves on Thursday, so sooner is better)! But don’t worry if you miss that deadline, we’ll review them on Saturday before we dig into planning for the year.