MDN for B2G

During the process of creating Milestones for B2G i wen’t throug the MDN and i thaught its quite weard structured. We now have a great menu due to @Luca, thanks for that! And we have the most of the Firefox OS part transformed to B2G. During the past jears of Firefox OS development i think some topics got washed out and lost theyr main topic or got blown up that its hard to not acidentialy skip the meaningfull parts. Now I thaugt of how i wold organize it and made a etherpad as i did for the milestones.
Im not shure how or if (!?) we can improve that without breaking the translated pages so maybe its nonesense but i wold like to hear your thaught about it…
Regards Novski

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I find you proposal very interesting. I also find really needed the focus on compatible devices (they would be at the first place and it’s good because it’s the first thing users look for … !).

If I could suggest anything, I would also add a specific page for WebIDE immediatly below “Run B2G OS on desktop using Mulet” cause it’s necessary for apps’ development (I think someone removed it for now, but we already have a base to work on).

I think i heared that it is dead… Althroug i don’t even know what it is…

WebIDE is a platform used to test apps, and it is probably still usefull now to test webapps.

Was there any decision on this topic during the last meeting?

disable link to it for now. We can bring back if necessary.

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