Making expenses suck less


Not sure where’s more appropriate - here or Participation.

One thing that crosses my mind whenever I have to handle any sort of expense as a contributor at Mozilla is how horribly inefficient and systematically peculiar the process is. Now, @couci does an absolutely incredible job at holding it all together as much as possible (massive credit to her for that), but we seem to be outgrowing the way it currently works.

Particularly outside of the US it’s problematic. PayPal is slow, and by the time money gets to me, currency has changed, or in some cases, I’ve even completely forgotten that I’m waiting for an expense reimbursement.

But before that, there’s the whole issue of actually filing an expense. Needinfos and flags work great for code reviews, but the whole system feels very hacky for finances. Receipts go through as attachments, which insist to me that they are patches, and are hard to read through and process.

We should also at some point consider the differences between expensing and purchase orders. There is absolutely no reason why a contributor should have to use an expense process for things that they are paying for in advance.

To me, the tooling and understanding of what “expense” means seems to be the issue here, and I do wonder if others have a similar experience.

The process should be seamless; expenses are not a core function, they are a support function that runs alongside the core. Right now, expense management holds in the line as part of the core function of how anything I do involving money works.

I’d propose we consider looking into breaking this system down a little bit, and reconsidering the two functions of the current budget request system.

  • Purchasing
  • Travel/Personal Company Expenses

Purchasing (for pre-booked travel, stands at events, venues, etc) should fluid and easy. Quote filed, approved, invoiced from supplier, payed centrally. This works so much better than the current system which looks like this:
-> Quote filed
-> Approved
-> Community member invoiced in their name (this is a massive issue)
-> Money sent by paypal, using estimates on fees/currencies etc
-> Contributor pays venue (again, in their name)

Expenses should work similarly to how they already work, without the manual PayPal processing (except where needed). Would it make sense to issue reps/contributors who file more than two expenses per year with a prepaid card, where when they file their request, the card is deposited with enough funds to cover their expenses (+ over budget allowance), and then we clear remaining funds when all items are paid for. This would also provide a simple way to track spending where receipts are lost etc.

Of course, I am talking from a standpoint in a country where we have solid financial technologies, so there are likely considerations in other countries to make looking at this, but my point is this:

The slow, tedious, and painful budget system makes it unviable for me to want to be involved in local events and other things at Mozilla that cost me money, but very little. It’s also a frustrating process that takes away a lot of my spare time, that I could be using for actual contributions.


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Hi @tad,

Thanks for rising this concern, and yes, we both agreed that Bugzilla sucks for reimbursing… but it’s the only tool that we have at this moment that works for that. And yes, this is the best place to raise this, even if you are not a Rep :wink:

I will try to reply to your concerns and hopefully you see the situation from the other side, and think on a solution that can help everyone.

Paypal: I don’t know if you know that we tried different options (Western Union, Bank Transfer), all of them hits with the problem of not be available worldwide or too slow. So Paypal, at this moment is the best tool we can use. I know from experience that it’s not the best tool, but it’s the best solution worldwide speaking (there are countries where we have to go with Bank Transfer, and believe me, that takes longer than Paypal). Konstantina is usually aware of fees, so she usually send more money than expected. However, a difference of 50 cents, or less than 3 dollars shouldn’t be a problem (and can be consider for future requests). Can you explain what you consider slow?, when Konstantina says in the bug that payment was sent, is immediate… other thing is the time it takes to take the money out to your account, but shouldn’t be more than 2 days in your country.

Filling an expense: At this moment, we investigated other solutions, and one of the options we found is a tool that we have to pay a fee for every single account we create. Think that we have more than 200 active Reps, and make the numbers we have to pay yearly to maintain that tool. Think that we have Bugzilla for free to do that. In the end, the system is the same, Reps need to upload the receipt. If not, how should we know how much money they use/need? Can you clarify why you think this is hard?

Expensing and purchasing: I think that it’s something related to a specific example. Most of the time, we are talking about expenses. The difference in any case, is payment in advance, or reimbursing. And I think that the budget request form makes it clear when you need money in advance.

I agree that we need to find better tools to help Reps report their expenses, but I also think that Reps should be responsible and upload clear receipts and fill clear requests (we have a budget template, we have a SOP, we are trying to help on every request).

Prepay Cards: I remember that we proposed this a couple of years ago. Unfortunately we hit a blocker (don’t remember actually if it was a problem with accounting or what), and in the end, we will need to have the receipts to backup those expenses. And personally, I think that 2 events per year is way too little to justify this option.

I wish the whole process would be more faster and easier from the Reps point of view, but from my experience, when you file a bug, with the clear receipts, clear breakdown and everything, Konstantina or I review the receipts, approve and make the payment it takes like 48 hs (or less, depending) to get the money in Paypal.

If you only see bugzilla as a tool for coding, and reporting bugs, yes, it’s not the tool for this kind of things (flags can be confusing for someone used to work on code), but we follow a process where it’s clear that a receipt is a patch (or more basically, and attachment), and sometimes people upload their receipts to google drive, and include the link in a comment. So I can understand your frustration, and we are permanently thinking on better tools to do this, but I think that you are referring to an specific example.

In any case, I would like to hear other opinions, since I know that there are other people that can raise similar concerns, so probably they know about other options.


I don’t remember if existed a WG with that theme but I remember that many of the things are discussed many times in live with other reps.
And actually the solution that we use it’s the best, probably it’s a question for the new portal.
Or improve the reps companion extension with new features to simplify few steps.

Hello @tad
thank you for raising that, I think that is important to have conversations going about our current processes on how we can improve. And I am the first person from all that would like to see improvements implemented in the budget workflow.
As @franc has addressed more of the issues, I would like to understand better your concerns and discuss together for a better procedure
Paypal Again @franc has addressed more of the issues but I was wondering why you consider this as slow, since I haven’t heard that before. Can you give us an example?
Purchasing You’re mentioning here renting venues under your name and then get reimbursed. May I ask why this happened? For small events we usually don’t rent venues as for bigger (like community meetings) we ask the venue to invoice Mozilla directly and we pay them via wire transfer avoiding to put the Rep in the middle
Pre-paid cards Accounting was not very fund of this. Plus we are speaking for active Reps, imagine if we have to give a card to every single one of them how hard the follow up must be. I was considering an option of prepaid card per community but that requires immense trust and good structures inside the community.
Tools outside bugzilla I agree that bugzilla is by far not the best option. However the tools that are out there (like Expensify) only provide better ways of uploading receipts. It doesn’t provide a 2 ways approval option and the receipts still need to be reviewed by someone. I actually like to think a way inside our portal and automate there (on @Mte90 point) instead of outsourcing on tools that are not best fit for us, just for the shake of outsourcing.

As @Mte90 also mentioned, there is a also a WG for this and the first result is the assembly of the Review Team. We of course continuing working there in order to make things better and I would love your input.
