Magnet Next Steps: request for feedback

Hi all,
Magnet team is analyzing the results from the London All Hands User Study in order to decide the next hypotheses to validate and the next experiments to be run. The final User Research conclusions are not finished yet but we have some initial insights that together with the [latest advances in Android about the physical web]((, are making us reevaluating our initial thoughts.

We have different alternatives to choose:

  1. Work on the notifications to improve the User engagement and ease discover via Magnet app: it has been highlighted during the preliminary conclusions of the User Study.

  2. Focus on content publishing, helping people to create content and broadcast it with different tools (desktop, mobile…). This would allow us to differentiate from what Google is doing and it’s aligned with the fact that many people broadcasted URLs during the London ww.
    MozFest could be a good environment to test this further using Magnet app as the way to discover the URLs

  3. Provide a service (landing page) to distribute Beacons and configure URLs to run controlled experiments in a campus or college: When preparing London research we realized about the difficulties of setting up beacons and, because of that, we ended up using a redirection service to keep beacons URLs always the same and configuring the destination URL via redirection.

Please, let us know which one you think it’s more interesting or suggest additional alternatives. We are looking forward to your feedback.
Project Magnet team