Looking for tool ideas: System to review articles

Hey all,

We plan to run a small pilot with Pocket team to get a group of people to read 10-20 articles and reply some simple questions about them in order to understand if we should or shouldn’t recommend them.

We haven’t started the tooling discussion, but I was wondering if you know existing tools that we could reuse or quickly adapt for this purpose, instead of trying to build something hacky (static page + google form or similar).

The questions we want to ask will be article-specific, we want to understand if we should or shouldn’t recommend the article, so we will ask about quality, tone and others.

Thanks for your input!

The only thing that comes to mind is https://web.hypothes.is/. bookrmarklet but that’s more about annotation .

Random, and 4 years old, but interesting: https://techcrunch.com/2014/06/26/daily-a-new-app-from-buffer-uses-tinder-gestures-for-finding-and-sharing-content/

How about using Github issues and the “reactions emoji” to express sentiment:


Thanks for the suggestions, I’ll check them out.

In general the action from participants is a bit more complex than a “yes or no”, because we are we want to ask about different dimensions of the article in a very concrete way: tone, grammar, relevance, political biases…

Could Discourse work?

Is there a need to hide the group’s responses from each other? If there isn’t, a private category could work (with a topic template containing the questions to be answered).

Yes, we want to avoid people being influenced by others and we want to identify who’s making each review. Also, ideally we’ll design a set of questions that don’t require any writing.

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