This session is facilitated by Esther Mwema, Adisa Bolutife, Uffa Modey
About this session
Our session is interactive and in three parts.
In the first part, we will show participants a global map of Internet Governance as it is in 2019 including decision makers, fiber owners, and language diversity.
This will be the introduction and can take ten minutes.
In the second part, participants will describe what an inclusive, diverse and intersectional internet looks like. They will then be given building blocks to shape a pathway for their intended internet.
In the third part, we will collect suggestions by participants and put them on the map.
Goals of this session
Localizing Internet Governance session is about finding alternatives to creating an internet with more local content, more local languages, and diversity in regards to region, age, and backgrounds.
Through creative building blocks, we will allow participants to imagine a pathway for which we can create an inclusive, intersectional, diverse and community owned internet.