Localization Leadership shared agreements pilot in March

During the past month the cross-team formed for the pilot on localization communities executed a research phase to fully understand all the challenges these communities were facing around leadership and responsibility roles as part of the bigger Mission-Driven Mozillians project.

As a result of this research we decided to work with a few localization communities this month to test some actions to fully understand how a wider implementation would look like.

Bringing clarity to role definitions

Accountables: Jeff (@gueroJeff) and Ruben (@nukeador)

We will co-create with community contributors a shared definition for each role a volunteer can have inside localization teams, bringing clarity to responsibilities and expectations.

The approach will be targeted consultation with a broad set of volunteers and getting to agreements on these definitions to be later shared with the whole localization communities.

Surfacing Community Participation Guidelines on Pontoon

Accountables: Peiying (@pmo) and Emma (@emma_irwin)

Pontoon contributor experience will be updated to surface the existing Community Participation Guidelines, so everyone is aware of its existence and ways to contact the diversity and inclusion team if needed.

The approach will involve updating a few places in Pontoon to include the information as well as notifying all contributors about this update.

Understanding safe channels

Accountables: Delphine (@Delphine) and Emma (@emma_irwin)

We want to understand how safe channels of communication can empower individuals contributing to localization that are facing big challenges to get integrated/supported in the communities.

The approach will be a targeted consultation with a set of volunteers in this situation, testing these channels and understanding and measuring how they can empower and enable these individuals.

We are excited to start working with you all, we will be sharing a report with the outcomes of this pilot earlier next month.


Jeff (@gueroJeff) and Rubén (@nukeador)