Local Communities Survey

Dear N.A community,

I am currently trying to understand how to better support the North American community. To do this, we will have this discourse discussion as well as a survey. In order to really help and empower the many micro-communities amongst us, I will need your input.

In April 2015, a core group of you discussed local communities in N.A and what does a N.A community look like here: https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/t/what-does-a-local-community-in-north-america-look-like/1928
(@emma_irwin @Kensie @gueroJeff @bkerensa)

That was a very insightful discussion and will aide in moving our community forward. We have seen many attempts to reboot or strengthen the community fail. However, with a new year and new Mozilla organization goals, now is the best time for us to gather united and charge forward.

I know we have much that needs to be done to really re-organize our community. I will be taking some tips and goals from this very informative blog post from @nukeador to help solidify and document our community building efforts: https://www.nukeador.com/09/12/2011/organizing-a-mozilla-community/

We will continue our discussion about defining our goals in our first call of 2017 on January 8th.

Until then, please take a few minutes to complete our survey: https://goo.gl/forms/mmHa7fQ8s5O4IBbr2

Best regards & Happy Holidays

Semirah Dolan :wave:

Thanks for putting this together Semirah could you send me a calendar invite so I can book that time in my calendar?

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Will do! :slight_smile:

That blog post is very old and probably outdated. The latest doc where we gathered community building recommendations is the Community Playbook.

Also note that next year we will be driving a lot of research outside Mozilla to identify best practices we can apply in terms of community models.

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Okay, thank you for the updated news. I’ll pull from the new resources then!

Best, Semirah