Live User Study (5 days)

Hey All,

This week, we’re running a user study with a group of 10 girls aged 12 to 15!

First, we interviewed the girls to learn how they currently communicate. Lots of good stuff in there!

Using the prototype device
Then, we delivered a set of lo-fi prototypes to each of the paired girls. The girls will use the prototypes for 5 days and keep a Diary.

At the end of the 5 days, we’ll interview them again to learn how they used the device and how it fits into their lives. We also want to learn their thoughts on possible form factors - when we dropped off the devices, we showed them some possible form factors to get them thinking.

Prelim data in real time
We’re collecting device data in real time in the new CD Metrics dashboards to identify usage patterns. Some early readings - lots of messages! (Thanks CD Metrics Team!)

One of the girls made a video of an unexpected use the device - she wrapped some pillow stuffing around it to see it light up like a cloud!

We’re planning to have some prelim findings to share in London. See you all there!

– Katie (and the SmartHome team)

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